Cinder volume showing status as "in-use" but shows no attachment.



  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13.0


  • Unable to attach a volume to a server as it's status shows in-use although there is no server attached to it. While attaching the volume to a server it fails with below error.
    $ openstack server add volume a494a8de-1a7e-4a24-a3f2-a07e6c944987 6780193d-ba26-495b-9643-cf0fe98949d4
    Invalid input received: Invalid volume: Volume 6780193d-ba26-495b-9643-cf0fe98949d4 status must be available or downloading (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-88c73bce-d44b-4536-8f5c-8c695472ea27) (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-c949c5a7-e7b5-4721-ae8e-0d0bd060edbc)
    $ openstack volume list
    | ID                                   | Name     | Status    | Size | Attached to |
    | 6f52cf36-24b7-49e8-818e-8b1404a82563 | testvol2 | available |    1 |             |
    | 6780193d-ba26-495b-9643-cf0fe98949d4 | testvol1 | in-use    |    1 |             |


  • Reset the volume state to available.
    $ openstack volume set --state available <Volume_UUID>

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check the output of the command openstack volume show <Volume_UUID>. The attachments field should be empty.
    $ openstack volume show 5c4bd497-7ff2-4d85-9abc-17225f355690
    | Field                          | Value                                            |
    | attachments                    | []                                               |
    | availability_zone              | nova                                             |
    | bootable                       | false                                            |
    | consistencygroup_id            | None                                             |
    | created_at                     | 2019-11-14T07:00:57.000000                       |
    | description                    | WBPDS_DB_Data_Volume_Extend 500 GB               |
    | encrypted                      | False                                            |
    | id                             | 5c4bd497-7ff2-4d85-9abc-17225f355690             |
    | migration_status               | None                                             |
    | multiattach                    | False                                            |
    | name                           | WBPDS_DB_Data_Volume_Extend                      |
    | os-vol-host-attr:host          | hostgroup@wbsdc-OSP-Cinder#wbsdc_OSP_Prod_vol004 |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None                                             |
    | os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None                                             |
    | os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id   | f21ec0d2fe9b46a29b9de993cdc9bb9e                 |
    | properties                     |                                                  |
    | replication_status             | None                                             |
    | size                           | 500                                              |
    | snapshot_id                    | None                                             |
    | source_volid                   | None                                             |
    | status                         | in-use                                           |
    | type                           | netapp                                           |
    | updated_at                     | 2019-11-18T06:28:43.000000                       |
    | user_id                        | a41e1908cbf441f6947153a98713d396                 |
  • Check the status of cinder service. cinder-volume service must be up and running.
    $ openstack volume service list
    | Binary           | Host                    | Zone | Status  | State | Updated At                 |
    | cinder-scheduler | controller-2            | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-07T06:55:02.000000 |
    | cinder-scheduler | controller-1            | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-07T06:54:57.000000 |
    | cinder-scheduler | controller-0            | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-07T06:55:03.000000 |
    | cinder-volume    | hostgroup@tripleo_iscsi | nova | enabled | up    | 2020-02-07T06:54:58.000000 |
  • Collect the output of below command from any one controller. It should not return anything which means the volume is not attached to any server although it shows in-use state. Therefore, it's safe to proceed with resetting the volume state to available.
    $ docker exec -it galera-bundle-docker-0 mysql cinder -e "select * from volume_attachment where volume_id='<Volume_UUID>'  \G;"

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